
Package Contents


alluvial(adata[, level_start, level_end, key, gap, ...])

Generate an alluvial plot for NSBM hierarchy

draw_tree(adata[, level, color, color_map, block_key, ...])

Plots NSBM hierarchy using graph-tool capabilities

schist.plotting.alluvial(adata: anndata.AnnData, level_start: int = 1, level_end: int = None, key: str = 'nsbm', gap: float = 0.05, legend_fontsize: Union[int, float, Literal[xx - small, x - small, small, medium, large, x - large, xx - large]] = None, legend_fontweight: Union[int, Literal[light, normal, medium, semibold, bold, heavy, black]] = 'bold', axis_fontsize: Union[int, float, Literal[xx - small, x - small, small, medium, large, x - large, xx - large]] = None, axis_fontweight: Union[int, Literal[light, normal, medium, semibold, bold, heavy, black]] = 'bold')

Generate an alluvial plot for NSBM hierarchy

This plot may be useful to study the hierarchical relations in a Nested Model generated by scnbsm.inference.nested_model. Note that the level_end


The annotated data matrix.


The deepest level in the hierarchy (i.e. the one with more clusters) Note that this parameter marks the leafs of the tree


The coarser level in hierarchy. Default value is None, if pruning has not been performed, it may be useful to exclude uninformative levels anyway Note that this parameter marks the root of the tree


The key used to group cells. Default is nsbm


The gap between groups in percentage

schist.plotting.draw_tree(adata: anndata.AnnData, level: Union[str, int, None] = None, color: Union[str, None] = None, color_map: Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, str, None] = None, block_key: str = 'nsbm', ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, show: bool = True, use_backend: str = None, save: Union[str, None] = None)

Plots NSBM hierarchy using graph-tool capabilities


The annotated data matrix.


The NSBM level to be plot.


The adata.obs property used to generate color. It is mutually exclusive with level option.


Th colormap to use for continuous colors


Name of the output file. If a non interactive notebook is detected, this parameter is automatically set.


The key used to perform nsbm